Spark 2.0 Leaders Networking Breakfast
Thank you! All spaces for the Leaders Networking Breakfast have been filled. If you would like to sign up as an alternate, in case of cancellation, please fill out the form below. We will contact you to confirm your availability as space becomes available.
The Leaders Networking Breakfast is a powerful way today’s leaders can “give back” by sharing their electronic components industry knowledge and experiences with the industries high potential SPARK attendees.
Leaders are paired with SPARK attendees during breakfast at the ECIA Executive Conference for an informal discussion to share thoughts, experiences, and suggestions related to career development and the future of the industry.
The Networking Breakfast will take place from 7:00 ‑8:00 am on Monday, October 21st,and Tuesday, October 22nd.
If you would like to be considered as an alternate, please indicate your availability below: